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 Ivan Beilschmidt

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-10-29
Age : 29
Location : My house. In other words, that's none of your business.

Ivan Beilschmidt Empty
PostSubject: Ivan Beilschmidt   Ivan Beilschmidt EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 9:28 pm

Basic Information:
Name: Ivan Beilschmidt
Age: 17
Class Year: 3A
Financial Ranking: High Class
Guardian(s): Elder sister (Katyusha) but lives alone
Guardian(s) Business: Chef at a five-star restaurant~

Hair: A pale blonde, often described as "ash blonde"
Eyes: Violet-blue
Height: 6-foot-5
Other: Wears glasses (but hates them, so usually wears contacts. nobody can tell), is Russian. He has a splotchy burn mark on the back of his neck. He got it when he was thirteen.

Likes: MEN, singing, the Motherland
Dislikes: WOMEN, singing in public
Fears: Spiders. A lot.
Talent: Singing and guitar, but he'll NEVER sing/play in public. He's VERY shy
Past/History: Lived in Russia until he was twelve, and then moved Japan. However, when he was ten he killed his father for reasons that are unknown. When he was thirteen his mother was shot in front of him. After that he was orphaned. His sister was still a few months away from being of age, and he had no known relatives. So a man named Kahn stepped in. Ivan had never liked Kahn. And he had good reason to. Kahn tried to rape his younger sibling, Nikolai and Natalya Beilschmidt (Nikolai being nine at the time and Natalya twelve) and so he stepped in and got raped himself. However, he swore he'd do anything for his siblings. He was the only "man" of the household, so to speak, so he had to keep them safe. And he did. Kahn didn't touch Nikolai or Natalya, instead choosing to play with his new "toy", Ivan. Well, let's just say Ivan went through a /lot/ of pain before Katyusha got custody of him and his younger siblings. However! If it weren't for the fact that Kahn had stepped in, Ivan never would have turned gay; he'd never have gotten into BDSM; he'd never know how to pleasure a man. He fell in love with a man named Gilbert, who he knew hated him. After that, life went pretty smoothly. Except for the fact that Ivan couldn't figure out how to fit in. He didn't know anyone. He never could make friends. He eventually gave up.
Other: GAY. DOES NOT LIKE WOMEN. If you're a chick, he'll totally disregard you!! And he'll sometimes mumble in Russian from now and then. He knows ten languages. Russian, Estonian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Finnish, Spanish, German, English, and Japanese.
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