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 Kuroze, Uta

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Uta Kuroze

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-04-14

Kuroze, Uta Empty
PostSubject: Kuroze, Uta   Kuroze, Uta EmptyThu Apr 14, 2011 3:31 pm

Basic Information
Name: Uta Kuroze
Age: 17
Class Year: 2A
Financial Ranking: Low Class
Guardian(s): Father
Guardian(s) Business: Unemployed

Hair: Black
Eyes: Crimson
Height: Tall
Other: Pure Japanese

Likes: Riddles, chess, music, individuality, intelligence, stubbornness, debates, wit, sarcasm, originality, responsibility, Etc.
Dislikes: Anything contradicting with his likes.
Fears: Not learning from his mistakes.
Talent: Various, none perfected.
Past/History: After his mother's death, Uta's father devoted himself to alcohol. Seeing as the man is unemployed, Uta has to work hard to earn a living. He cares for his father only for his mother's sake - that is, treasuring the memory of her. Yet her absence has made Uta build a somewhat cold exterior, and he will think of himself before others, as he believes he has to stand alone and take care of himself - and that, he can only do if no one stands in his way. He is stubborn and slow to accept help, rather choosing to deal with his problems himself.
Other: information might be added.
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