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 Kigumari, Rakku [Done]

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-11-10

Kigumari, Rakku [Done] Empty
PostSubject: Kigumari, Rakku [Done]   Kigumari, Rakku [Done] EmptyThu Nov 11, 2010 12:04 am

Basic Information:
Name: Rakku Kigumari
Age: 15
Class Year: 1A
Financial Ranking: Low Class
Guardian(s):None because her mother died and her mother was her only guardian.
Guardian(s) Business: --

Kigumari, Rakku [Done] 9c0cc3e4
Hair: Rakku's hair is pitch black. It is always worn down. It is about to the middle of her neck. Most will mistake her as a guy. It is usually covered by the hood of the black jacket she always wears.
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'9''
Other: Rakku usually wears a completely black jacket over the shirt. Also she dosen't wear a hat

-Her Ripstik that she us usually seen riding outdoors.

-Small noises that continue for a long period of time.

-Tight spaces. Rakku has a touch of claustrophobia.

Rakku originally lived in a poor village. Her mother was as kind to her as kind came. Her mother had become sick and soon died after about a month. She grieved over her for about three days then Rakku buried her mother, and went off to find a good shelter.
After many days of trekking around for a home she came across a huge academy type place. Ouran Academy. Rakku enrolled hoping this would be a new start of life without her mother around.
Other: --
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Kigumari, Rakku [Done]
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