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 Konari Anazame

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-10-02

Konari Anazame Empty
PostSubject: Konari Anazame   Konari Anazame EmptySat Oct 02, 2010 2:55 pm

Basic Information:
Name: Konari Anazame
Age: 16
Class Year: 2a
Financial Ranking: Low Class
Guardian(s): 23 year old brother
Guardian(s) Business: brother had to continue his father's job as a professor at Ouran Academy.


Hair: Short, straight and blonde
Eyes: natural eye color is Hazel, but eye color change every other day. (brown, green, blue, gray)
Height: 4'11''
Other: grew up in America after she was born in Japan. She moved back after her father passed away.


Likes: Any sweet food, sleeping, meeting people
Dislikes: Hot weather, uniforms, rules
Fears: being disliked, bad rainstorms, the dark, snakes
Talent: Is insanely intelligent for her age. She can also sing very well and draw anything that is right in front of her.
Past/History: She was born into a very rich, intelligent family. Her father has worked for 12 years as a professor at the Academy until he was diagnosed with cancer. Once her father passed away her older brother has to take care of her and (thanks to the education he already had) he got to continue their father's job. They barely scraped by after Konari had to get an education. She had to pay to get into the academy and more than half of her brother's paycheck went to that. Plus the cost of their house and supplies, they had nothing left.
Everything from after their father died went downhill and her older brother had to keep the reason her mother died from her. It haunts her every day and she thinks about all of the possibilities constantly.
Other: Mother died giving birth to her, but she doesn't know it.

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